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59 questions to ask a woman

2024-02-26  59 questions to ask a woman

What can you ask a woman to make her interested in you and not to seem trivial and boring? How not to confuse your partner in the further communication?

Before you start corresponding, you should ask yourself the following question: “What would I myself like to be asked?” What question would be important? Psychologists advise to select questions that will provide you with as many interesting facts about your party as possible, help you to get the necessary ideas about her and determine what you have in common.

“First you need to decide whether you are ready for a detailed answer or not. Do you want to answer in detail? You shouldn’t ask questions about your future together - it’s too early. Being too persistent can also be intimidating.”


The list of questions

1. “How do you like to spend your free time?”

2. “Do you have any unusual favorite activities that bring you great pleasure, but may seem strange to others?”

3. “Which books, films or TV series would you highlight as worth reading and watching? What exactly did they hook you with?”

4. “Is alone time important to you? How often do you need to be alone and spend time on your own?”

5. “Which song most accurately tells about you?”

6. “What is the most memorable place you have ever been?”

7. “Would you be willing to take a risk and go on a long journey?”

8. "What do you do when you're bored?"

9. “What can you always find in your refrigerator?”

10. “If you could live the life of any celebrity tomorrow, who would it be and why?”

11. “If a movie was made about your life, which actress would you prefer to see play you?”

12. “Do you like your job? Have you always dreamed of being who you are?”

13. “If you were offered a trip to the past, what period would you go to?”

14. “If you could erase any book or movie from your memory to read or watch it again, what would it be?”

15. “What would you like me to ask you?”

16. “What should I really know about you?”


To get closer, choose questions that clarify a girl’s attitude to certain things, reveal her character, personal qualities, and core values, psychologists note.

The list of questions

1. “What does it mean to you to be happy?”

2. “What would be the best medicine for you after a hard day?”

3. “What flaw of yours are you not ashamed of and even proud of?”

4. “What topics do you like to talk to me about most?”

5. “You have a chance to relive one day of your life. Which day will you choose?

6. “What can move you to tears?”

7. “If you could change anything about your upbringing as a child, what would you change?”

8. “What are you most afraid of?”

9. “Did they come up with nicknames for you as a child? Which ones and why?”

10. “What is your happiest childhood memory?”

11. “What quality in yourself is most difficult for you to come to terms with?”

12. “How did you meet your best friend?

13. “What is the most important thing in life to you?”

14. “How do you spend time with your loved ones?”

15. “What was your biggest achievement this year?”


Tricky and provocative questions are appropriate to ask in a relaxed atmosphere, when you are sure that your party is ready to switch from philosophical topics and thoughts to innovative thinking, honest communication and humor. It is worth approaching this category of questions with caution, as they can be perceived incorrectly and lead to a violation of boundaries and misunderstanding from your partner


A list of questions

1. “What do you completely disagree with the majority opinion about?”

2. “Describe yourself in three words?”

3. “Tell me about the funniest situation you have found yourself in?”

4. “What would you do if you could do anything and no one would know. Why?"

5. “How would you like to be remembered by the world and people who know you?”

6. “What movie would you like your life to be like?”

7. “Imagine being able to communicate with a ten-year-old version of yourself. What would you like to tell her?

8. “What will you regret if you don’t decide to do this in the near future?”

9. “What feelings do you hide from others?”

10. “What fears prevent you from making decisions?”

11. “How do you feel when you are criticized?”

12. “What prevents you from expressing your true feelings?”

13. “What would you do to make me fall in love with you?”


It's important to ask about relationships to understand whether your ideas of what it means to be a couple are similar, whether you meet each other's expectations, and whether there are any red flags or things that won't initially suit you.

The list of questions

1. “In what cases do you feel your freedom in relationships is limited?”

2. “What kind of man would you never start a relationship with?”

3. “What qualities or actions can push you away?”

4. “Without what, in your opinion, is it impossible to build a successful relationship?”

5. “How can you understand that people love you?”

6. “Which relationship was the most educational for you and why?”

7. “What good things can you say about those with whom you have built relationships so far?”

8. “What made you leave your last relationship?”

9. “What is your idea of an ideal life partner?”

10. “How do you resolve conflicts in relationships and why do you choose this approach?”

11. “What is your idea of a perfect evening together and why exactly like this?”

12. “What is more important - personal relationships or career?”

13. “What family traditions would you like to preserve or create?”

14. “What place does trust have for you in a relationship?”

15. “How were conflicts resolved in your family?”


With the help of such questions, you can find out what boundaries your partner needs to observe in a relationship, what kind of attitude is totally not acceptable. It is important to understand what is the basis of a healthy and happy relationship for your woman, which, in turn, will help you draw a parallel between your own expectations.

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